Monday, February 9, 2009

Last of the Bald Eagles

So I've been promising the eagles for days on end, so finally, here they are! What I was really holding out for, was a "grab shot". Because I think I can outwit the ol' bald ones, I set up shop in a different location than normal. This place puts me on the waters edge near the dam, but with the treelines in close proximity, it funnels the eagles closer as they fly past. I spent a few mornings sitting at the shore at sunrise, freezing to death, waiting for shots...When I couldn't take the cold anymore, I would hop in the car for a short warm-up. Wouldn't you know, that that would be the time the eagles would funnel through and dive for fish at my very spot! Twice this had happened. On both days. I would summize that it was me that detered them, but watching from my car, 2 photographers walked right up and snapped away their images of a lifetime without even trying. Sometimes, life isn't fair, especially when you are paying your dues, but I'm not bitter. Yes I am. Anyway, enjoy! With the warmer temps, these guys are spreading out along the river, so opportunities are slimming down.

There are 11 flying in this shot. A tugboat blew it's horn and scattered them out of the trees.


  1. Great pictures. Another "WOW" day.

  2. Incredible! Hannibal, thanks so much for sharing these. This is a site I most likely will never see in person. The Eagles are awesome and you did such a great job capturing them. I think the second pic is one of my favorites in this post. Imagine, (of course you don't have to! lol), seeing all of those eagles at one time in a tree!


  3. You are the eagle master! I think my jaw dropped for every one of your beautiful photos!!

  4. Again I am a loss for words, just terric, I am lucky to see one a year.

  5. Love the pic with the geese in the background. Great timing (as always).

  6. I don't know how that old Scoop account of mine popped up. Still great work.


  7. Another awesome post Hannibal. I would give anything to see that many Eagles that close. Wow!

  8. this post was worth waiting for! I just can't believe that many eagles were in one tree! All the shots are amazing to must have been so wonderful to see it in person.

  9. Those are well worth waiting for.Each one more spectacular than the one before it.Thanks for the kind words you left on my blog.

  10. What an absolutely beautiful look at a day in the life of the Bald Eagle. I especially love the unique shot where a whole bunch of eageles are all hanging out in the rounded tree against the pale blue winter sky. Truly wondrous to behold!

  11. Oh god. I do not believe that. Here in Iceland, it is already fabulous when we see one white-tailed eagle, and you saw so many of bald eagle in few hours!!! truly amazing and the pictures of them seating in the tree is unbelievable!!! You got a great day I believe!!! Thanks for sharing...

  12. Have these magnificent birds already started moving north?
