Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Feast or Famine

Wildlife photography.
It's a fickle hobby.
Feast AND famine.
The famine is that I can't find anything but eagles to shoot.
So, right now, I feast on Bald Eagles.
The deep freeze has brought them to me in good numbers.
As a matter of fact, I have never seen so many at my watering hole before.
I counted 12 the other day, with 2 being about the average, that I would see.


  1. Wish I could feast on that Hannibal! Guess I should get in the car and go looking! What a treat at "My Bird Tales" as well today!!!

  2. Great eagle flight pictures. Think the last one is my favorite. Keep shotting them, I've only seen one so far this winter and he was so high you could just make out what it was.

  3. Awesome! Take advantage of the moment because it will be gone before you can blink! So glad you are having this kind of 'feast' and sharing it with us!

  4. Great flight shots Hannibal! I've never had that opportunity with Eagles, thanks for sharing.


  5. Keep them coming! I love those eagles! And your flight shots are exhilarating and beautiful!!

  6. I'll take a feast of eagles any time.Your pictures are outstanding.

  7. I googled eagle lady on the internet and your picture came up! LOL

    Great job.


  8. Great shots! I just spent a day at the Houston zoo and did some contained wildlife pics, and some birding pics at the Houston ship channel, fun days.

  9. A feast any birder would die for..your pics are so good and with such wonderful detail! Love that last one..ohhh so majestic looking!

  10. I'd take your feast any day too! What wonderful shots and how lucky you are that they chose to frequent your watering hole! The inflight shots are fantastic but I love the last one the best because of his eye!
