Friday, December 26, 2008

Ice Sculptures

I have a few left over icy pictures to share...

Interesting ice sculpture capturing the blue sky in the icicles.

It was tough trying to capture the fog rising along the ice covered tree line.

This starling was huddled behind a bush trying to stay out of the wind and conserving energy.

This deer used this bushy tree for cover.

Today is supposed to warm up to over 50 degrees. Flooding is a great concern, with rivers frozen over and no place for the melt to go.


  1. Very cool (no pun intended) pics, I found your blog by chance and am a wildlife/nature photog also. I'll add you to my blogroll since most of mine includes ranchers.

  2. Hannibal,
    I really love ice photos and all the reflections of color and light!! The photo of the ice reflecting the blue of the sky is just stunning. What extremes from freezing temps to 50s! Great post!

  3. Hannibal,

    I really love the first photo. Can't stop looking at it. I have really enjoyed seeing photo's from all over the world this month. Seeing the extremes of December. I guess I am the happy medium. It will be in the 70's again today.


  4. The ice is so beautiful but so very distructive. These are great photos Hannibal!

  5. Your icy shots are so beautiful - love the deer in the midst of the branches!

  6. It is amazing how something so treacherous can be so beautiful! Great ice and fog shots! I love the starling shot,they are so attractive, too bad they are such obnoxious birds!

  7. Your ice shots are really awesome and I love the detail in that starling. We're covered with ice too and I'm hoping for a warmup.

  8. Hope you had a Merry Christmas, I really love the first picture.


  9. I am new to your site.Have just looked at many of your posts and find them most interesing.My husband and I do some photograhy so we are always looking for inspiration.I have just found it on your blog.Great pictures,I will be back again.

  10. Super shots hannibal! And yes, you even made the starling look appealing!

  11. Hanibal, these are great.. beutiful sculptures and I love the starling especially the detail in the two rings of ice on either side of him(her) thanks for sharing and I hope you thaw soon..

  12. That Starling is grogeous :-) and the Oppossum in the other post is just great. What a cool critter !

  13. I love that barbed wire! It's as if nature is saying "Take that industry!"

  14. Nice series of shots! I've yet to get over there this year...working too much.
