Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Do you know what a C.F.I is? Well, I do, but I just made it up...Colorful Flying Insects.

On my trek to find the sandhills, I caught this cute lil butterfly on what is left of the colorful flowers in the prairie. I love the BIG green bulging eyes! I can't ID the winged one or the flower, so if you know, throw me a comment. Thanks!

This Praying Mantis happened to buzz past me on the trail. His lil face is kinda adorable! The coloring of this mantis changes just like the season does.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. somehow you managed to make a praying mantis look like a friendly fellow - loved it!!

  2. Great shots of the mantis, especially that second one. I really like it!


  3. Great comp., color, and detail on your Astors and that bugged out eye is outstanding.
    Your ferious Mantis really looks docile, did you know they even eat baby hummingbirds? I've always been fascinated with the head movement and your closeup is great!

  4. We don't have PM's here so I am so loving your photos of him. The last close up shot is spectactular.

  5. Oh gosh...I'm out of superlatives for your work! The yellow bfly shot is so beautiful, and the mantis shots are incredible.

  6. Your butterfly looks like a sulfur...I looked it up and it seems to match yours. Love the praying mantis. That is the best 'face' shot I've ever seen. It reminds me a little of an alien. Great shots!

  7. Hannibal, I love the new header! The Praying Mantis is one of my favorite of your photos (really I love them all), but who knew they had those cute little faces!

  8. This is first visit but definitely not my last visit to your blog!! Super shots and great comp on the praying mantis. They are so cool!! I've only seen one or two in my lifetime so thanks for sharing!!

  9. These photos are amazing! The up-close-and personal with the mantis is wonderful! Your pictures really capture a great play with light. Love the detail! Thanks for sharing.

  10. As usual, great photos! As noted in the previous comments, the butterfly appears to be a sulphur. Peering at my field guide, I am thinking it is either an Orange Sulphur, or a Clouded Sulphur. Those two are pretty hard to tell apart.

  11. I love your new header and hope you print a really BIG one for your wall!

  12. Your CFI is definetely a sulfur. Probably a clouded or common sulfur. It is a very nice shot as is the mantis. We don't usually see mantis' so it is cool to see some great close up pics.

  13. That Mantis is absolutely fantastic :-)
