Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Big Rut!

It's one of my favorite times of the year! Ooohh...I just love it! I took this photo on Sunday, and was thrilled to learn by this fine example of a buck, that the rut has officially begun! Look at that swollen neck!

Interesting Facts: As the light decreases in the fall, glands are stimulated (by the amount of daylight which comes in through the eyes) and these glands will release hormones. In the does, this will begin the oestrous cycle. In the bucks, there antler growth will stop, the velvet will dry up, their necks will swell, and their testicles will fill up with semen. The bucks will be less and less social with their summer time companions. They will soon begin to seek out the does and form their harems. Only the largest and stongest of the bucks will become herd bucks and be able to take and hold a herd of does. This is natures way of insuring that only the best bucks do the breeding. Their genes can now be passed on for future generations.


  1. He looks like a buck on a mission! How thrilling this must've been to see him - great capture!

  2. That is just one Magnificent Buck! What a rack! Very interesting facts too about the bucks and does in the rut. I too love to get that shot of one standing in the field. Great capture..

  3. I popped over from Shelly's just in time for the birds and bucks - or is it the bucks and the bees- lesson. Interesting - they've got a lot going on this time of year! Loved your autumn pictures on your Monday post. Beautiful!

  4. Super shot and an education to boot!! Thanks!!

  5. that is one handsome fella! I never knew most of the info in your interesting fact, thank you so much for sharing it. I will be looking at neck size now :-)

  6. This is a magnificent buck and kudos for getting the shot.

  7. Stop over to my blog an pick up another award.
