Monday, September 29, 2008

Good Weekend, Bad Weekend

I'll begin with the bad news, and get it out of the way...

I didn't see the Sandhills... but... at least I heard them. The prairie is at it's tallest, which makes for perfect cover for these large birds to hide. On Friday, I swear I was within 20 feet of a pair, but couldn't see them. I stayed until past sunset, and had to leave empty-handed...but I think there at least 3 pair out there which is great news for the prairie.
Anyway...I did get these shots while waiting, which made the day alittle less boring...

Then...I see some strange birds coming toward me in the sky...

What in the world....?

Could it be....?

No way....!

You can't mistake that bill, they have to be Glossy Ibises!

I honestly never thought I would ever see one around here. So... IT WAS AMAZING! In this part of our planet, we don't get much more than your popular GB Heron, Great Egret, Green Heron, and the occasional Black-crowned. Ibises are on another planet as far as I am concerned... The Chicago lakeshore birding community might see a flyover, but never ever down here.

Now THAT makes for a good weekend!

(The shots came out horrible, because of handling malfunctions, but I still have to smile at them!)


  1. Great pictures even in silhouette. You never know what you will see during fall migration.

  2. Isn't it true, that when looking for one thing you sometimes see another just as exciting...and we are never ready with the right settings.All in all though you did great! Loved seeing the silhouettes.

  3. The bad news is a shame - ut the good news is terrific!

  4. Wow! What a cool experience to see those Ibis! I saw White Ibis while in Florida, but I've never seen the Glossy! Congrats on seeing them and getting some nice silhouettes.


  5. The first shot is just great, the lighting and timing is perfect, a sure winner.
