Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Foggy Sunrise

When I went to work this morning, the stars were out, the crescent moon was shining bright, and all was well with the start to my day. Over the past few mornings, I have been taking off a few hours from work at sunrise, to chance a siting of the Sandhill Cranes I have yet to find at Goose Lake Prairie. I've heard them plenty, but the lil buggers escape me every time...Anyhoo, as the sun started to rise, the fog got thick with the morning. I thought that maybe the morning might be a bust, but new opportunities presented themselves with some interesting photos:

The fog was so thick, the sun was heavily filtered.

It was a perfect calm morning for a reflection shot.

The red dawn of a day on the prairie.

A spiders perspective of a sunrise.


  1. Hannibal - seeing these wonderful photos of yours has inspired me to get up earlier in the morning. These were all great - that 2nd photo w/ the geese & water reflections should be framed or put on a greeting card or both!

  2. I agree with Shelly...makes me want to get up and get going early. Great photos. Love the
    2nd shot as well.. and the spider too.

  3. Shellmo said it all! These shots are absolutely stunning and you could sell prints of the goose shot!

  4. wow, awesome shots! Especially the last one.

  5. Those are all very nice shots. I especially liked the foggy geese and the sunny spider.

  6. These are some very great images, nice job

  7. all the photos are great...esp the sunset spider

  8. Fantastic photography. I too think the sunset spider is the best.

  9. HiHannibal - just "discovered" your blog which I like.

    You're pics are stunning and atmospheric - will be popping in more regularly now

    (from one Canon user to another!!)

    I'm waiting for a sunny, misty start to the day here in the UK - then I'm off for the birdies!!
