Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Odd Couple

It's pretty rare to see a buck with a fawn. Most of the time, females with young ones will avoid bucks altogether because bucks normally don't socialize with females and fawns until rutting season. I believe this teenage "drifter" is establishing territory that overlaps the matriarch mother's. Just off the frame, 3 adult females grazed without stress from the presence of this strapping young buck. The fawn romped happily through the tall grasses, looking for someone to play with...


  1. You captured beautiful shots of them! Interesting to see them hanging out together.

  2. What a great sighting! The photos are beautiful.

  3. Love the fawn and the buck is gorgeous. His rack looks so perfect! I too have observed this at times, when you see a buck with a fawn, maybe as bird girl says they have the same mother.

  4. I never tire of seeing these beautiful creatures.

    The owls below are amazing. Two birds with one stone..er, click;) Sorry couldn't resist that.

    Wonderful site.
