Friday, August 29, 2008

Indigo Buntings

I heard a rumor of Blue Grosbeaks in a certain township, on a certain road, etc. etc...

Well I went, having never seen Blue Grosbeaks, so driving the distance could be worth the effort, since I was semi-close to the area anyway, spending some hospital time with my Dad who had knee replacement surgery. (he's recouping well)

I did find some ummm... blue ummm... birds. Indigo Buntings to be specific. Not a bad find, but...not Grosbeaks...

The problem was, it wasn't the most pleasant of areas. I wasn't scared really, not in the "Deliverance" sense, but in the...well o.k. maybe slightly in the "Deliverance" sense without the deep woods of Kentucky. Not only that, but the gravel roads could and did swallow your car. You could definately enter and never exit...ever...And, it seems to be the hotspot for large trash. Why not throw your broken washer, dryer, tires, toilets, etc. on the side of a road, what could it harm? Umm, besides giving other "trash" the idea of making a deposit, how about West Nile among many diseases that cause people/birds harm?...Just a thought...

I will not be back unless a report of Blue Pterodactyls are in the area, but the Indigos made it productive and I did see a few Eastern Towhees. Not a complete loss, and... I got out alive, pending test results...


  1. Indigo buntings are one of my wife's favorite birds so I will have to make sure and show her your great pics. Great job!

  2. You may want to abjust the size of your Slide slideshow. Mine was the same way, when I first did it, so I reduced the width so it fits better. If you have questions or problems let me know and I will be happy to help.

  3. You need a birding partner! It divides the scared in half and is better. It's really scarey to be on a back road like you describe alone. But you did get the Indigo Bunting and got out alive!! Thank God. I just loved when you said you wouldn't go back unless there was a 'blue pterodactyl' .. really made me laugh.
    Tells me how scared you were.

  4. Yikes! At least you found some treasure on your hunt!
