Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pelicans, Powerplants, Dickcissels, and Purdies!

I miss the excitement of discovery... I haven't depressed the shutter in weeks... I've visited many a ripening mulberry tree with no visitors, toured the nearby lakes for a chance siting, drove thru the prairies and forests in hopes of a fawn, something... NOTHING! Yesterday, was a xerox copy of the days previous. I parked next to the mulberry tree & sat there for 30 minutes or so... NOTHING! I then went to my local lake, where I might see a Tern... ummm....No. COME ON MOTHER NATURE! Well, I did see some late migrating American White Pelicans. ( They are usually gone by now, but a few are still here.) The water is a cooling lake for a nuclear plant, as seen in the background of the photo.

After the pelicans, I headed in the direction of home. On my way, I spotted what I thought was a Meadowlark on a branch singing. I turned the car around and slowed to a stop for a few shots, and it turned out to be my first Dickcissel ever...(I was cursing the camera, because it wouldn't focus quickly enuff, thus... the not crisp photo!)

When I got home, thirsting for more, I shot a few of the blooms around my yard...


Some sort of daisies with a purple center...

Anywho...I did get a little lucky, and yeah, just alittle desperate, but at least I have SOMETHING to blog about...

If I have nothing further to post by Friday, Happy Independence Day everyone! Be Safe!


  1. I know how you feel when you want to take a photo and nothing seems to come your way - but alas - it looks like you had a GREAT day! Enjoyed them all - your flowers pictures should be framed.

  2. It has been the same with Sher and I but we always take the cameras and hope. Lately as you can see on our blog we believe we can find something of interest somewhere.
