Monday, July 28, 2008

Goose Lake Potpourri

A few left over photos...

Are you ever walking along a path, and a huff/snort comes from a nearby bush, and out leaps a deer? Who can resist a photo op, although my intent is never to disturb...

Splashes of texture and color in this one...

This very cooperative wren has taken up residence in a nearby birdhouse to start a family...

I believe this butterfly is an American Lady...

Cragg Cabin is always a draw for photographers at Goose Lake Prairie State Park...

When walking a trail, I flushed what I think were 4 grouse. Obviously by the photo I couldn't get a good ID.


  1. All lovely - thanks for sharing!

  2. Loved all your photos today! The deer caught in action is always a welcome sight! and on down in another post I enjoyed the 'rumble' with your water birds! Great posts!

  3. Butterfly is a Common Buckeye,
    great photos!
    Hap in New Hope (MN)
