Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Goose Lake Flora and Fauna

Going to the marsh every day led to plenty of interesting photos along the way.

Black-eyed Susans are a common prairie plant, giving color to the tall grass palette.

Another "lifebird" for me, the Orchard Oriole couple gave clues to their presence with their song. Thanks to Bird Girl for mentioning that these are immatures &/or females!

The Marsh Wren, another "lifer", was singing at the marsh where the bitterns resided.

The Geese flew in to the first lake that you encounter at the beginning of the trails.

In the heart of the prairie, Cragg Cabin can be viewed in the distance.

As the sun rose, the geese woke up and flew to a new location for breakfast.

Another "lifer", Greater Yellowlegs fished the shoreline.

This particular one caught a bullfrog!

The landing gear is down, please put your seats in their upright positions...

On a foggy wet morning, the cabin can take on a different look, which made for a nice monochrome.

On our path to the marsh, "Ridge" found some honey bees making a branch their temporary home, while the scouts looked for a new site.

We learned later, that when bees congregate in a tree with no hive, it's because their old home was most likely destroyed, so they wait patiently (up to 24 hours), until the scouts select a new site to be built.

They were gone by that evening.

Not knowing a thing about either the plant or the winged insect, I labeled this photo butterfly plant. I do not even know if it is a butterfly. But...there were hundreds of these white winged creatures all over plants like this.


  1. Hannibal, these are exquisite! and the honeybees make me a little hopeful that they are doing better this year.

  2. Bird Girl,
    You are right, they must be immatures and/or females. Sorry for the lack of ID.

  3. Hold on a minute... I have to close my mouth that fell open in awe. What great shots! The bees were truly a great find! And that small building in the mist... its so great it doesn't even look real.
    My first visit to your blog and I'll surely be back! Beautiful work!

  4. Hannibal - all these photos were just outstanding today! The geese in the sunset was stunning - and I loved the black & white cabin photo.
