Thursday, June 5, 2008

White-breasted Nuthatch

A common bird of deciduous forests and wooded suburbs, the White-breasted Nuthatch can be seen hopping headfirst down the trunks of trees in search of insect food. It frequents bird feeders and takes sunflower seeds off to the side of a tree, where it wedges them into a crevice and hammers them open. (Source: All About Birds)


  1. It's funny- I'm so used to seeing the nuthatch going down the tree headfirst - it was nice to see your shot of him heading the other way! These birds frequent our log cabin - always busy and pretty friendly. A few of them buzz around my head when I refill the peanut feeder.

  2. Your shots are always great, I stop by often but I am not a big commmentor.

  3. Beautiful little nuthatch! It's so normal to see them upside down, that when they are right-side up, they seem upside down. ;-)
