Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I forgot about my 1 year anniversary. No, not of the romantical kind, but of the bloggy kind...I started this blog a year ago on June 6th. Since then, I have posted 157 times. Last month was my big hurrah for posting every single day in the month and then some, but then it all dried up.

Well. I do have something exciting: I was driving to my sisters for a Birthday/Dads Day party on sunday, when I came across 2 turkeys on the side of the road. Pretty cool, but not THAT exciting really, until.......I saw a bunch of baby turkeys with them. Now I ask you, how cool is that? Pretty-freakin-cool, I say!!!!!!! But wait....I left my camera at home....Dammit!!!!!! Finally something good to shoot, and I was lazy...I don't know what is worse, not getting the shot because I have no equipment, or not getting the shot because the subject matter flushed, which would have been the likely scenario since my driving speed was about 60. I would have had to turn around to attempt the shot and they were heading toward the woods a few feet from the road. Anyway, I saw them, which is what matters. I got to thinking after that, that I had never even thought about baby turkeys before-like...EVER! I have never seen a photo of them on any blog that I frequent, so I decided to google them. I found a handful, but that was it. It must be a very rare sight that I was lucky enough to witness. I should be grateful, and I am for the memory, I just crave the proof. Still....Dammit!

As I rode through the countryside, on my journey to my sisters house, I saw another unique site. A Wind Farm! I've never seen one before, so looking up that these massive turbines was amazing. Hmmm, I don't have my camera...Dammit! Thats twice now on the same trip. I ask myself what I have learned from this, and my answer is--Quit being so lazy! So, my mid-year resolution is born.

I went out to the area again yesterday because the day was gorgeous and I was addicted to the clouds in the sky. I thought it would make for a great photo.

I also took a picture of an old Ford Truck that is atop of a hill, which made for another sky picture.

Since I haven't had creatures to photograph, I am showcasing some old stuff and new stuff for a spin to Hannibal's Animals. There are no limitations...


  1. You left your camera home!!

    Now write 500 times, "I will not.....

    Love the truck shot, there is an old tractor around here that I go back and shoot from different angles and at different times of the year.

  2. I will not leave my camera at home. I will not leave my camera at home. I will not leave my camera at home. Oh yeah, I'm not in school anymore...
    Thanks Don & Sheryl!

  3. Deja vous - I learned my lesson last week as i saw an eagle grasp a fish from my lake as i was standing on my deck cameraless. i did like the wind turbine photos - I find them interesting.

  4. First, Happy Anniversary. I doubt if I'll make it a year before I crash and burn. LOL Your pictures are terrific. Too bad about not having your camera. It's some kind of rule, I think... Having no camera with you guarantees fantastic sightings. ;-) I've only seen baby turkeys a couple of times in my life.

  5. Aww I hate it this way: a perfect view and no camera. Always. I mean always there are lots of birds around that won't fly away, new beautiful flowers etc etc etc and NO camera.

  6. Happy anniversary. Good job on making it through your first year. The big question is did you get any gifts? I wonder if Hallmark makes a card for the occasion. I think that the perfect gift would be some duct tape, that way you can make sure that you always have your camera. 8P
