Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gasp!!!!!!! Scarlet Tanagers!

Back story: I haven't seen a Scarlet Tanager in 5 years, and that anomaly was my first EVER---EVER ! So...Fastforward to present: I totally freaked out when I saw this Scarlet Tanager sitting on a cable that bordered the road inside Kankakee State Park on Sunday. Truth be told, there were 2 perched, when I first saw them as I drove right past. [Insert gasp here!] Needless to say, right time, right place! Now...the predicament is, what to do about getting these guys on film without scaring them...Hmmm....I backed up very slowly, hugged the other side of the pavement as much as I could and had my co-pilot Cutti direct me to the spot. The road was a one-way so they (Tanagers) were as close as 4 feet from my car door. I didn't know how I was going to pull this off...

Obviously I got my shot, but it was cra-zy, that they didn't fly off...

There ended up being 3 of them on various oak trees...

I took all kinds of pictures until they flew away into the forest.

We found them again alittle south of the first sighting, along with a female.

It was a GREAT day!

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