Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday's Potpourri

Todays post is a bunch of random offerings from the past week of shooting. The recent days have been gorgeous, but I haven't found any GREAT photo op's, so I offer these:

I don't know what type of ground squirrel this is, but to give the size some perspective, it is about a 1/4 larger than a 13 stripe ground squirrel. Answer given by Richard over @ At The Water: Pine Squirrel, Red Squirrel or Chickaree!

I also asked-"Can anyone I.D. this squirrel for me?" -and the response I got was from Richard who thought it was a Pine Squirrel, or sometimes called a Chickaree, or Red Squirrel. My preference is Chickaree cuz its fun to say...

Blue Winged Teal - My only shot of the Blue Wing revealed.

I hid behind a tree for way too long in an awkward position, waiting for them to come closer. They swam within 50 feet, and my body was glad they left. (They never saw me, so it was worth the pain)

It was an overcast day, but despite the gloom, I found some cooperative Cedar Waxwings.

Normally, cedars are not people birds, and will not stay for the photo shoot, but these guys were pretty social, and I walked away without disturbance.

I witnessed the courtship of the Hairy Woodpeckers, as 3 of them were competing for mates. They were weaving and bobbing their heads...


  1. Looks like a Pine Squirrel but has many names depending on what part of the country you are in. Some people call it a red squirrel. Check out my blog and see if any of the pictures I have there look the same.

  2. I checked out your blog Richard, and I agree with it being a Pine Squirrel. Thank you! You're also a funny guy...I enjoyed your blog, except for the Republican thing, but I will try not to hold it against you...
