Monday, April 28, 2008

First New Chicks of the Season

The goslings are here!
The pictures below are of 1 day old chicks. There are 5 of them and the Canada Geese are excellent parents. I took pictures from the car, so as to not upset them. If I were to step out of the car, the male most likely would have shouted obscenities and chased me away. The car was of no concern to them, as long as I didn't approach too fast or too close. I have learned this from experience. When I was a bright and shiny new wildlife photographer, I didn't know the unspoken rules, but learned them fast. I had greater success from the car as my blind, then from walking around. I prefer to leave with a whisper. Let's keep nature a peaceful place!

I don't know about you, but I am always excited to see the first hatchlings of Spring!

The adorable fuzzy yellow goslings can put you in a great mood, watching them pull on grass and walk awkwardly...

They tested the waters with mom and dad just a few inches away, bobbing their heads underwater to experience a whole new world...

They play so hard, that when sleep comes, they seem to be just a little crabby...

Mom and Dad keep a close eye over them as they learn about the world...

Exploring is very tiring...

Mom and Dad show them where the good tasting grass is...

They grow up so fast, and turn from a cute and fuzzy bright yellow to a tall and lanky gray in just a few days. I love the cute and fuzzy yellow stage the best!


  1. Greetings!
    These chicks look so cute! I look forward to seeing them too this season..

    Also: you have a nice blog, I am glad I found it.

  2. Thanks Aluajala! Please come back any time...I also checked your site out, and love your pics!
