Friday, April 11, 2008

Cuttidad's Showcase

Sometimes the weather is against you, and this week I have not been able to get out. The rain has soaked Northern Illinois for days, so... to post something fresh, I am spotlighting Cuttidad, my partner in crime. She is co-pilot on some of my excursions, & when opportunity arises on her side of the car, I hand her my camera:

Black Squirrels seem to be popping up, in otherwise, gray and fox squirrel territory at Kankakee State Park. I have run into a few of them farther east a bit, but now it seems they are migrating their way west...

Black Squirrels are smaller than your typical fox squirrel. We found this guy playing with a pine squirrel, but couldn't capture them together.

There were Mallards in a large puddle one day, and Cutti really loved how the males head was reflecting the light, so she took some shots.

I talked her into getting down to their level and snapping off a few for a different perspective...

I was really impressed with this one! Cutti is the perfect "buddy" when going on a long adventure. She is just as excited as you are, and even though she doesn't normally look through a camera lens, she appreciates everything she sees, and sometimes takes video. She loves to talk about what we saw that particular day, and asks lots of questions about their behavior. I am beginning to want to take her everywhere, even though I am usually a "Lone Photographer". It is exciting to watch someone else be so curious and excited...


  1. Love those mallards. Nice shots Cuttidad (And you need to explain that name to me someday)

  2. Interesting about the Black Squirrel. We've just had one show up in our about a week ago. We've never seen one before.

