Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March Madness! Its Looking Alot Like Spring!

I took a long ride yesterday afternoon to all of my favorite spots since the weather outside hit 50 degrees and the sun was out. Finally! It was the perfect day for driving, minus the rugged terrain caused by Old Man Winter. At Mazonia Fish and Wildlife Area, I found that a boat launch was totalled due to heaving. It's pretty sad to see, because the conservation areas in my part of the world are in financial woes, causing them to close their parks twice a week during certain times of the year.

I found my first killdeer of the year at Goose Lake State Park.

This shot of an American Coot was all I could grab as a car was behind me. I wanted to capture their strange feet! It was found walking the embankment at the Dresden Cooling Lakes, near the covered bridge.

The deer were sunning themselves under the protection of this small grove of trees near the Dresden Lock and Dam.

And...another shot the the great horned mama. I stopped again, because I saw white fuzz at the edge of the nest, suspecting a newborn, but as it turns out, it was just her. The day was too perfect not to take a shot.

Shots that got away: Horned Grebe, mallards, & hooded mergansers

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