Monday, February 4, 2008

Coast Rica - Day 3 at a Glance - Part 2

Part 2- So we were alittle disappointed that we didn't get to share our breakfast with the monkeys, and who wouldn't? We waited for quite awhile and eventually gave up. Our plan was to go to the butterfly farm, then do more exploring, since we had the golfcart until 11:30 a.m. As we are discussing this, we see some people with cameras shooting something in the forest from the restaurants outer "wing". I think, since it is on the ground, it must be an Iguana or something, and don't put too much thought into it, but my best friend always tends to remind me that when I underestimate something I know nothing about, I am usually wrong, shocked, and thrilled all at the same time, by taking the time out to check into something that is not always what it seems. We walk over there and discover that a whole family of Coati Mundis are playing and stealing sugar packets from a bussing table near the edge of the deck. Well... I am amazed and learn something new about myself ...again... (until the next time) and snapped off some really cute shots of these creatures that remind me of a Raccoon mixed with a Meercat. They scavenge just like raccoons, and have the same similarities and size, but the tail is plenty longer with many more stripes, which reminds me of the meercat, along with the upturned extended snout. A Meercoon if you will...We had a fascinating morning already, and add these guys to the mix, and our morning was beyond anything, and mind you, this is the start of day 3...

We go to the butterfly farm which is hidden pretty deep in the jungle and enter your typical greenhouse structure. Our first encounter was with a giant Blue Morpho Butterfly which has wings that are a massive 6 inches! For butterflies, I was pretty impressed. One in particular took a liking to Cutti and crawled all over her head. From there we roam the different paths and end up at the jungles edge on the far side of the resort and find:

Orange-Chinned Parakeets building a nest in a dilapitated palm trunk...

A Wilson's Warbler (female) singing with no fear of us. (She hung out for quite awhile)

Lineated Woodpeckers making a home in this palm right next to the parakeets palm paradise...We then discover a walking bridge and take it to a new unexplored part and find where the Macaws go for nesting. There were a few we could hear in the trees, but at first couldn't find them. The trees scale up to 200 feet high, so spotting them wasn't easy. You had to go by sound, which was easy, because they have a rude squawk when communicating to eachother. We found some roosting, and set up the tripod. (Thank God we have the golfcart for hauling all the gear.)

We stayed for quite some time, did some exploring of some trails, found some other nesting sites, and knew we would come back here for more later. We hauled our stuff back to the room, and got our cart back to the office to turn it in. We checked into their weekly rates on the cart, and found out it was $295, was outraged, and left. Again...we are back to calling for a shuttle. When we left the office...

we spotted our first Chestnut-Mandibled Toucan!

We gave it some more thought, then reconsidered the golfcart, went back and rented it for a week! You just have to consider that time is of value too, and to waste time on walking or waiting for the shuttle (which could take up to 30 minutes) and go where you want, when you want was worth the price of a perfect trip. We didn't want to look back and regret not spending the money-it really was worth it, we went to the beach, and had another perfect day!

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