Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I Suck

I've got nothing to post. I've been screwing around with new headers, using pictures that were really not up to snuff for posting, to keep myself occupied at work. I've also been busy cleaning my house for a birthday and organizing my parents 50th wedding anniversary which was all held this weekend. In between all that, I have been playing Guitar Hero. Oh, and since the new T.V. season has started, I have been trying out new shows (most suck), and watching the great ones I am already addicted to. I've been distracted...but I hope to find some new stuff soon. Thanks for checkin in, and sorry for your disappointment. IT HURTS ME MORE THAN IT HURTS YOU...


  1. You never disappoint Hannibal! Love the Snoopy and Woodstocks although the header leaves me with that aracniphobic feeling but I can appreciate you putting yourself out there for us to get the photo. Hopefully "blam" is in your very near future.

  2. I like the spider web header. Very clever.

  3. Come on Hanni! Time for something new, a header, photo.....something! I'm gettin bored!!!
