Friday, October 19, 2007

I Wish my 50th Post was Filled with Mindblowing Photography...

Playing around with lens flares
A hole in the sky

I had an opportunity to capture some weather shots last evening in my back yard. The wind and clouds were fascinating, and everchanging with each minute. I wish I was at a scenic location for this spectacle, but I didn't put in the effort. The dishes getting washed were more important I guess. Anyway, I did see a few rainbows, but seeing them on "film" didn't really capture the moment. Taking the few pictures I did, didn't quite quench the thirst for my photography obsession. This time of the season is pretty much a lull in activity concerning wildlife. The birds have mostly migrated, and the deer have yet to come into "season", if you know what I mean. Everything else to find, is pretty much random, so I am waiting on good weather for weekend morning finds. Stay Tuned...

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