Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Corn Fest Photo Contest

I am entering the Corn Fest Photo Contest for the first time, and the research I have found is scaring me. Last years entries were over 800 photos. Thats alot of competition. The problem I am having is that they only take 1 entry per catagory. I am trying to get creative with black and white entries, just so I can enter more than 1 photo. I included a few here, but still have some more to ponder. If you are interested in seeing the Photo Show, it takes place at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, the 29th from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and noon to 2 p.m. on Sunday. The purchase of a Corn Festival Button is your admission to the show, which is available at the door.

Wish me luck!


  1. Who is judging the photos? If it is by the public, I say we swarm the place and add more ribbons to your collection!

  2. A few years ago I saw a picture they had in the "Public Figures" category... someone had taken a picture of Hilary Clinton OFF THE TELEVISION. So if you don't win, I'm torching the place.

    My point is there are a lot of useless entries, so don't let the numbers scare you. There are lots of good ones too, mind you, but yours deserve to be there with ribbons on them.

  3. Good luck Hannibal! Get your trophy self ready.

    I agree with McGone. Quantity doesn't mean quality. I haven't been to the Corn Fest photo show but I always look at the Sandwich Fair entries, and I truly do not know why some people bother paying the entry fee.

  4. Hey Big R-I don't know who the judges are, but it is NOT the public, although the Goose Lake contest had a "viewers choice" ballot in which the winner got a bonus ribbon. I hope they have something like that here too.

    Hey McGone-Thanks for the encouragement! When I turned in my photos, I saw lots of cool photos, but then again, I saw some absolute crap too. I'm glad I am in, but my hopes are limited, we will see...

    Hey TJD-Thanks for the well wishing, I'm just glad the entry fee was a Cornfest button ( I borrowed 1-heehee), cuz I'm not paying for a chance to possibly recieve a ribbon. If it were a cash prize, then maybe...

    Thanks everyone!

  5. I really, REALY like the shot of the barn and water, very good detail and colors.

    And yeah, what McGone said. I have been to it a few times and some of the entries are ridiculous.
