Thursday, August 23, 2007

What a camera phone can't capture

I'm still holding my breathe, waiting for the repair on my camera to start. That's right, I am still without my security blanket, or "woobie". The repair website has just updated my account, so now the camera is on the "sales counter", whatever that means. Anyway...
My hummingbirds are going crazy. There are a bunch of them chasing eachother all over the yard, trying to lay claim to my only feeder. ( I think I will run out to the store to purchase another.) So, to capture this spectacular sight, I armed myself with my 1.3 megapixel camera phone, and stood as close as I could to the feeder, and snapped off this beauty of a shot. There is no cropping, it IS this bad. What I would give to have my woobie right now...

1 comment:

  1. You sound like a junkie with the shakes. I hope you get your fix back real soon.
