Monday, August 6, 2007

Call Me "Award Winning Photographer" Please!

O.K., so I entered my first photo contest, although quite reluctantly...I have never felt, in the past, that the time and money spent on putting entries together was worth the effort, and the payout for winning is usually zip, unless you value ribbons n such. I'm not in high school anymore, so adorning my walls with ribbons doesn't appeal to me. But, this time around, I had a different motive for entering. I wanted the title of Award Winning Photographer as my brass ring. Why? I'm not sure...maybe it will help me in my future. I can't use it on a resume, because photography is a hobby, not my profession. So, I can only use it here, and I'm only making fun of myself, so it really is practically useless, but none the less, I wear it proudly. I entered 13 photos in various catagories and came home with 8 awards. The top award was Best of Show in B&W, which also took 1st in b/w landscape. (Top Photo) The next one was Best Goose Lake catagory (2nd Photo). A 1st in B/W Plant (3rd Photo), 1st in Color Plant (4th Photo). 2nd in Color Landscape (5th Photo). 3rd in Color Animal, and an Honorable Mention in B/W Animal. (I couldn't post the last 2, but you have seen the Owl Family, and the Screech Owl). So, now that I have my ribbons, I will find a drawer, or a box, or maybe my safe, and gently tuck them inside, with an ever so slight grin.

Printer Paper+Foam Boards - $30
Gas+Time+Ink+Tape - $25(?)
Title "Award Winning Photographer" - Priceless (but to totally make fun of myself... Useless!)


  1. Damn, that last one only took SECOND?

    Stop calling it "useless crap," it is something that can legitimately be used on a resume someday (depending on what field you get into).

    Again, I am sorry I missed this show (I walked in half an hour too late - story of my life, and probably the name of my autobiography someday).

  2. Congrats Hannibal! I knew you'd walk out of there with an arm load. And I have a signed print by the award winning photographer. Awesome!

  3. Thanks McGone, Thanks tjd!!!!!! I love you both! Thanks for the support!

    McGone: That 2nd place pic was a true 2nd compared to what won. The winning picture also took "Viewer's Choice". I even voted for it as Viewers Choice. Yep thats right, I cut my own throat-but a giver none the less.

    tjd: I entered Teresa's Tree but it got zilch; the judges are stupidheads and have cooties! Just know that the very very first edition prints get top dollar!

  4. I understand what you are saying. I entered 8 images in the corn fest in Morris and won three first place a second place and one third place. I didn't get top award but was happy to receive so many ribbons.
