Thursday, July 5, 2007

Teresa's Tree

This photo was taken as a request from a former co-worker who used to sit next to me and hear my endless stories of how I get every photo. She heard about the "one that got away, the ones I never got, the ones I got, but sucked". She tried to share in my disappointments, offered great compliments, & threw me pieces of dark chocolate when my story was particularly frustrating; all in all, she was a great friend to sit next to. One day, she offered up a location for which she thought I might like to shoot. She drove by this locale every day coming to and from work, and this particular tree catches her eye every time. She thought it would make for a cool picture if I ever was in the vicinity. One morning, I looked out into the dark, and found the moon to be a sliver. I remembered her telling me how cool that tree looked with the moon, so I thought I would run out and check it out. This is the shot I got. I do like this photo, and I am glad she led me to it.

Note: TJD-You rock! I miss you and your rain of chocolate from the Chocolate Gods


  1. Awesome shot! I love the colors on the horizon.

    You changed your blog URL so I was happy to see the link from McGone's page.

  2. I like the "layer cake" of colors behind the tree. Very cool.

    I hate that time of morning though... way too early. I would more than likely see this scene as I was stumbling off to bed.

  3. Oh Hannibal... I do miss you and the stories, mostly because of your sincere dedication and love for what your doing. That's really one of my favorite trees, and I love that you went out of your way to shoot it for me. Makes me smile every time I see it. At least I can keep up with you via your blog. And anytime you need that chocolate, I'm there for you!
