Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This frog was shot on Sunday (June 3,2007) at Gebhard Woods in Morris, IL. I went to find blooming Lotus Flowers, but instead I found him. I liked the lighting and the angle alot. I have never seen a bullfrog up close so this was exciting (as far as frogs go) for me. His eyes had all kinds of flecks with a brilliant irridescent gold shine. I just had to capture that. He was under some heavy cover at the edge of a pond, so getting to him wasn't easy. There were large rocks jutting out from the water, so I set up my tripod carefully and situated myself as best I could. The best angle was as low as the frog, but the drink beneath me kept me from getting that low. What I noticed as I was focusing, was the spider that is within range of him. I thought that that would be really cool to get that action, and wondered why he hadn't yet captured his breakfast. Maybe he didn't know it was there? So, I shot a few lighting shots, adjusted, and was ready. I turned my focus to manual, so that I could use my remote shutter, and just then the frog decided to eat his breakfast. I couldn't flip the switch fast enough,and refocus, so that shot never happened. But...that's nothing new, that kind of crap happens on a daily basis. I do like the reflection so I am happy with the shot.


  1. Excellent shot! I noticed the spider right away and wondered the same thing. Love the reflection. What lens do you use?

  2. Amazing shot, you captured something quite common in a beautiful way. Keep it up Nature Girl!

  3. This is one damn good shot, Hannibal.

  4. Thanks Slinger! From what I hear, you're a bit of an expert, so the compliment has a "pro" feel .
    The camera is a Rebel 400D. The lens is a Canon 75-300mm IS 4-5.6 I used the 5.6 for this shot, although I wish I had more DOF.

  5. Hey McGone! Thanks for the comment although I am disappointed that you didn't use the word "awesome", but "damn good" is awesome, so I do feel warm n fuzzy! Also, thanks for your help in the blog techy stuff!

  6. Hey Anonymous! I know who you are! Thanks for your kind words, but hey, just come out of the closet already!

  7. Hey Hannibal!
    I love frogs and have never seen a better shot of one! Great site but I take exception to you calling the owl's your "favorite"!

  8. No no, I am no expert, but I like to think I am getting better. I use a Canon 20D and my favorite lens right now is my 50mm f1.8 lens, it is perfect for low light shots. And provides perfect DOF on portraits of the kids.

    if you like, A lot of my shots are online at:

  9. Hey anonymous!
    So, tell me what your fascination of frogs could be? With Owls, its about the chase-just try and find one, but frogs? Thanx for your generous comments about your fav! Glad I could represent!

  10. Hey Hannibal,
    Love the site and the pix, but there wasn't a closet that could hold me!

  11. Hey Slinger,
    checked out your photos on flickr and am impressed. Cool motion shots! I have a wish lens which would be the Canon 400 mm 2.8 but I don't have that kind of cash. Maybe if I sell a few more Britney/Lindsey crotch shots...

  12. Oh yeah, I just checked out the 400mm lens, DAMN. I would LOVE to have one of those as well.
