Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Red(Winged) Baron

I got these shots on my way home, and although these images are not clean, I liked the action. I'm just guessing, but I believe the hawk is a redtail, and of course the bomber is a red-winged blackbird. Why smaller birds mob larger birds is unclear to me, but just the nerve of those pesky birds is something to admire. I've seen smaller hawks eat bigger prey like cardinals, so I ask: What are they thinking?


  1. Awesome action shots there, Hannibal. Does the hawk react at all?

    I also like the Oriole photos as well. The orange color really pops on that one.

    But, then again, I think all of your photography is great and should be more than a hobby. Truly.

    : )

  2. I agree with TJD. Your photography should be your day job, and you should leave the P.P. stuff to Lispy & Co.

    Great Father's Day card with the Orioles. Does that mean that the male also feeds the chicks, or was that Mom tending to the kids while Dad was having the day off :-)

  3. Amazing as always Hannibal!

  4. Awesome.

    There are no more words.... but that has never stopped me before....

    I am loving these shots. (And great title post!) It can almost be an inspirational poster... instead of those wimpy "Hang In There, KittY!" posters, this can be the badass "No Matter How Small You Are, Go Out There And Get Some Strange Ass!" shot

  5. Thanks tjd! The Hawk flew high into the sky, trying to rid himself of the Baron, to no avail. The Baron kept soaring and bombed over and over aver. I eventually left...

    Mr. Goodwrench: Lets hope Lispy & Co. days are numbered, cuz mine are years away, but thanks, I wish I could find a genre, but first, I must get lots and lots better at this.-The male (pictured) Oriole did feed the kids! It seemed the mom was too busy to tend. Unstereotypical but welcome-Go Dad!

    Anonymous-COME ON! Get a screenname-How bout Cuttidad? And again...thanks for your comment!

    McGone-Done! Title inspired by McGone-Thanks !
